Nammo Sakya Munaya Buddhaya,

Dear Noble Communities, As spring enters into summer, we have wonderful news to share with you. You may know that Blue Cliff Monastery is working on a project to construct the Moon Lake Building to house the nuns. The project cost is approximately $2.5 million approximately. We request your kind support for this project.

There is one donor from the Hussman Foundation has offered to match contributions totaling $500,000 for our capital funds drive if new donations are received between June and December 2023.

How can we make the most of this significant and big-hearted offer? For this capital campaign our idea is to invite our community of families and sangha to work to raise $5,000 each. If we have the fortune to receive one hundred (100) offerings of $5,000, we can receive the matching gift of $500,000– bringing $1 million to the construction project in the shortest amount of time. This amount will help us reach more than the total amount needed.

We are so very grateful and appreciative of our special donors for their generous hearts and offerings, and we are joyfully share this information with our community to appeal for support.

We are grateful to the community for having already contributed one third of the amount so far, which is an excellent start. However, the project needs more so that it can move forward.

We need your help. The beauty of this matching gift is rare and so generous, and we are asking the community - - we are asking you - - to help us raise $500,000 so that our donor will match this amount.

Any amount will help, and we are hopeful that together we can reach this $500,000 goal by the end of December 2023. Please share this information with our lay brothers and sisters, with families, friends, and sanghas, and invite all to support our beloved Blued Cliff Monastery Moon Lake Nunnery.

More and more people are coming to Blue Cliff Monastery to learn how to live a mindful lifestyle. The monks and nuns are guides and teachers dedicated to this cause. Thanks to your presence, your practice, and your support, it is possible to continue offering peace and compassion to all today and for many years and decades to come.

May your heart and home be always in the protection of the Three Jewels.

A lotus for you a Buddha to be,

On behalf of the sisters at Blue Cliff Monastery,

Sr. Chan Hoa Nghiêm (Sr. Flower)

*** Check Payable to: Blue Cliff Monastery For : Nunnery’s building project